Hey! I’m Nora, a product designer based in Seattle, WA.

I dig systems thinking in complex ecosystems and designing experiences across Web and Mobile. I've got a love for design systems, accessibility, and synthesizing research findings into actionable design solutions. I’m looking for my next role as a product designer.

Selected Work Highlights

Product Design

ePRO Patient Mobile Application

Improving Ronin’s Patient App survey experience to increase patient satisfaction, reduce clinician burden, and enhance clinical relevance of data. iOS and Android design.

Impact Highlights:

  • Reduced clinician alerts by 36%

  • 90% user satisfaction for Ronin patient app

  • Launched Mobile design system for iOS and Android including aligning apps to WCAG AA standards for accessibility

  • Finalist for Fierce Healthcare Innovation Awards (Nov 2023)

2023-2024 | Project Ronin

Product Design

Lumify Admin Portal

Comprehensive redesign of the Lumify admin portal, a CRM and inventory management system that helps employees sell, manage, and troubleshoot mobile ultrasound transducers.

Impact Highlights:

  • New information architecture with deep-linking reduced redundant site pages and streamlined development efforts

  • Visual design overhaul, introduced design system & component library increasing platform usability

  • Reduced new team member training time and onboarding

2019-2020 | Level 11 for Philips Healthcare

Product Design

Symptom Management Triage Dashboard

Redesign of Ronin’s EHR-embedded point-of-care clinical triage tool for remote symptom monitoring of oncology patients. Co-development collaboration with one of the nation’s top hospitals for cancer care.

Impact Highlights:

  • Reduced time for triaging by introducing side-by-side display

  • 84% of users reported positive impact on treatment experience

  • 30% reduction in patient Emergency Department Visits

2023 | Project Ronin

Project coming soon

Product Strategy | UX Research

BeeKeeper AI Product Strategy

0->1 Product vision for BeeKeeper AI, a desktop app that helps algorithm developers find healthcare data providers and securely connect to train, test, and validate their AI for FDA approval. Foundational product discovery research, product feature roadmapping and visioning.

Impact Highlights:

  • Enabled our client to successfully acquire Series A funding

  • High volume of delivery to client in 12 weeks of work

  • Client expressed that we provided the highest value of work that they’ve had from any consultant in their 30+ years of working

2021 | Launch Consulting for UCSF Center for Digital Health Innovation

Experience Design | UX Research

Patient Arrival Experience Design Guidelines & Recommendations

Re-Envisioning the patient arrival experience at the Swedish Hospital First Hill Campus. A cohesive vision for opportunity areas of investment in patient experience across web, physical infrastructure, staffing, digital kiosks and mobile apps.

Impact Highlights:

  • Delivered comprehensive Service Blueprint for patient and visitor experience at Swedish

  • Produced key design and technology principles for future innovation projects across the organization

2021 | Launch Consulting for Swedish Hospitals

Project coming soon